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Workbook & Conference Guide is a 13-week course designed for a combination of individual, small group & conference study guide. It is a course in the personal discovery of a believer’s co-death, burial, resurrection & ascension in Christ Jesus – the Exchanged Life. Chapter titles are: Basics of Discipleship, Godship, Rejection, External/Internal, Problems, My Flesh, Repentance, Identity Matters, Accepting Your Righteousness, Extending Forgiveness, Seeking Forgiveness, Rest, Abide, & Walk, and Love Life.

Steve, this message is rarely taught in the church today. I implore you to get this teaching in the hands of the entire Body of Christ.

JI Packer


It gives me great pleasure to commend my son in the faith, Dr. Stephen Phinney for  his burden and vision to proliferate the message of the cross, Christ as life or the crucified life, globally via media.  The need is great, and the hour is late as he faithfully builds on the foundation in scripture laid half a century ago. Please that those who receive this message will multiply it to God's/glory that the Church may be edified through transformed lives of believers, as he and I walk together in obedience to our Father.

Dr. Charles R. Solomon

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